Saturday, October 4, 2014

Sea Ranch October 1 - 7, 2014

Wednesday, Oct 1 - starting 3 nights at the Loeffler house with the Hanna's
Car packed to the gunnels and we left at 11:30am - stopped at Starbucks then off to the hiway.  We stopped again in Petaluma at In-n-Out for a burger then back on the road.  We were driving along getting close to Sea Ranch when we realized that Bob and Linda's SUV was directly in front of us.  What a coincidence since they left a bit after we did and didn't stop.  We followed them to Sea Ranch Escape Realty office, picked up the keys, and headed to the Loeffler house.  

The house was very well equipped and comfortable for the 4 of us.  

Nice window seats:

Linda, Bob & Norm relaxing with the pups...

Dinner on the patio:

Norm used his Boy Scout skills to build a magnificent fire:

Norm and Bob with Ricky relaxing by the fire:

Master bedroom with slider open to the deck & spa:

Another view of the Master bedroom with Kiva guarding the room:

The loft bedroom (up the stairs):

The second bedroom on the main floor:

Loved the mobile hanging in the dining area:

Large, new spa - super!

Lots of details around the house that we liked - such as this porpoise mobile:

Beautiful view from the deck:

Linda reading under the trees;

Kiva joined her in the shade:

Pam writing the blog with her new favorite beer, Scrimshaw, from North Coast Brewing:

Woke up the first morning to find raccoons had danced all over our car.  What a mess:

Another beautiful day to kick back....

Ricky and Kiva watching the surf with Norm on the deck:

Took a walk to revisit nearby Shell Beach:

Warm weather brought out the bathers - Shell Beach is one that is mandated for public access by the California Coastal Commission - hurrah for the common man!

So many different layers of rocks in the bluff - some look like lava rock:

We liked this piece of fence to nowhere....

Love the signs that lead to the water:

Beautiful sunsets:

Another cute picture at the house:

The chairs are already missing us as we pack up to leave:

Saturday - October 4  - starting 3 nights in the Caplan house
Norm and I decided to stay another 3 nights and booked the Caplan house on the hillside.  We would have booked a house that allowed pups if Bob and Linda were able to stay but they had to return home.  We cleaned the Leoffler house and headed up to pick up the Caplan key at Noon.

Bob & Linda, Ricky & Kiva came to see our new house then headed off

Not too many boo hoos later...Norm and Pam hopped into the spa:

Norm is unsuccessfully trying to figure out the directions to the stereo/TV - even the owner apparently has trouble with it. Finally settled on playing CD's from the house library.

Well equipped kitchen:

Master Bedroom with Calif King bed and large bath and entry to the deck & spa:

2nd Bedroom with Queen bed  in the loft with a bathroom and private deck:

3rd bedroom:

The fog is starting to roll in.  We're sipping wine and enjoying the last of the sun:

We have a lot of wildlife at the house.  This turkey, we've named her Matilda, will take nibbles out of our hand.  Sharp beak though so I only tried it once.  She brought some of her pals and they get right into your face if they think you have nibbles...

Photo of the loft bedroom deck - socked in with fog. Over a period of a couple of hours it crept in from far out in the ocean to first blanket the coastline and then steal on  "little cat's feet" up the valley to our front door and beyond. Unseasonably hot daytime temperatures inland (high 90's to 100+ degrees) pulled the fog up as if on a string by late afternoon.

We drove through patchy fog to Gualala at 5pm to attend the artist reception at the Dolphin Gallery.  I found out the one of my necklaces sold while it was being placed in the cabinet.  Off to a good start.  The manager has asked for more. And here I thought I'd retired!

This is where my jewelry is displayed at the Dolphin Gallery:
Necklace of a cluster of beads with bracelet & earrings in front/center plus sea glass necklace with a bronze chain with variety of earrings.  A similar necklace with a silver chain sold yesterday.  

I have a pearl and coral necklace in the middle right, with earrings and a bronze chain bracelet w/earrings set on the left.

We came back to the house for home made lasagna & french bread dinner:

Norm went in the spa about 8:30pm and by then the fog has receded back to the ocean - kind of eerie!  He built another beautiful fire for us:

Sunday - Just returned from high-end Two Fish Bakery here on the hillside, just down the road from where we are staying - busy place!  Bought a triple espresso mocha for Norm and hot chocolate for Pam plus yummy baked goodies.  The fog is rolling in early today, but for now (11am) not encroaching much beyond the coastline, about to Highway 1.

Second visit from Matilda today...of course, we gave her some bread crumbs and broken pieces of pretzels.  (wonder why she returns??? Hmmm)  Can't believe how fast she gobbles it down. (maybe its a he but who knows).  We've seen lots of animals here - deer, turkeys, quail, blue birds, crows, and hawks.  The racoons are around too based on what our car looked like this morning - they danced the jitterbug on the hood again.

Nice relaxing day in the spa and sitting by the fire watching the fog roll in and out.

Monday morning:  Norm is eating breakfast with the turkeys.  Matilda is watching me in the kitchen....and of course, expects something to come her way....and it does!

Matilda is very tame.  Looks like Norm is trying to teach her to sit for her treat.

After spending time in the spa, we headed to Gualala Arts Center to vote on our favorite piece in the current show and enjoy the artsy sculptures around the building.  We visited with a member of the North Coast Artist Guild.  She encouraged me to join and become involved with their group.  She was very nice and talked with us about some of the art pieces in the show.  Everyone we've met have been very welcoming.

These are some of the pieces in the show.  

Quilt with the title "8 Ball in the Pocket"

Second Place:  Titled "Ayers Rock Australia"

First Place:  Titled "A Walk in the Forest"

We ate lunch (Burger, Fries & Beer) in Gualala at Bones Roadhouse:

On the way back to the house, we stopped at the Sea Ranch Chapel:
The two front doors:
Stainglass window:
Mosaic on the floor:
Another window:
Bench outside the chapel:

She's back.  We've created a monster...(we have the feeling that we're not the first).  Matilda is peeking at us through the window now.  Its so pathetic.  She is up on the table top, then the railing, then at the front door, then back to the table top - peering at us.  Of course, we break down and give her another piece of bread....crackers...pretzels....peanuts....more bread crumbs....MORE PLEASE!

We've enjoyed the spa 2-3 times each day.  Nice to watch the white water waves and/or rolling fog move up the hillside:

Today it was the rolling fog - it looks cold but its not...

Another glorious fire in the stone romantic.

Some nice pictures on the walls...most of them are of the Sea Ranch area:

While relaxing, I've polished off a lot of Midsomer Murder episodes.  I think I've about come to the end of the 13 years.  Norm finished during our Portland trip but he has found a few new series to watch - thank goodness for Netflix nowadays.  We don't have to watch real-time TV with commercials.  I also got a little practicing on the ukulele and we've had such a delightful and relaxing time.

Tuesday morning 8am - woke up to blue sky and sun.  The fog is still there...waiting....

Matilda wants to know what we're doing in the kitchen...of course, we oblidged...

We think she'd walk right in and make herselft comfortable if allowed.

After lounging in the spa, we cleaned the house and left at Noon.  Back to civilization....we stopped at Starbucks in Petaluma for our "fix" and arrived home at 4:08pm.  Traffic was better than expected.  House to House was 4hrs 8 min.

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