Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Mendocino Holiday - Days 4-5

June 28 & 29 - Wed and Thurs- Days 4-5
Traveled: nominal miles in and around Mendocino

The "Mendocino" sign seems sort of an afterthought, but something for everyone. No sign announcing that weed is grown everywhere, though. This is where the Top Tier grass comes from.

Woke up on Wednesday morning to bracing chill in the air and remnants of fog. Within a couple of hours the skies turned blue. 

We headed up Highway 1 a few miles to Fort Bragg for a Starbuck's and a glass of beer - go figure *that* for a healthy breakfast. The train on the sign is a depiction of the famous Skunk Train which takes tourists back and forth between Fort Bragg and Willets to the east. From the old logging days.

Of passing note, Fort Bragg was established in 1857 as a military post and named for U.S. Army Captain Braxton Bragg. Historically well known, Bragg had the misfortune to end up as a General in the Army of the Confederacy. "Misfortune" because in recent times places named after Confederate soldiers and politicians have become anathema in certain politically correct circles. A serious push in the California legislature to force a name change on Fort Bragg fortunately came to naught. RIP, Braxton.

First the beer...

The last time we were at this shop in Fort Bragg, Norm bought a 3x now fits like a muu-muu.  Time to get a smaller size!  Or, gain a few pounds - like maybe 75.  Pam says nix to that.

Sort of confusing is that the above sign is for the brewery's gift shop, the sign below is over the door of the brewery itself next door, whereas the tap room in which to buy a glass of the stuff is across the street. No tours available of the brewery.

Tap room! Guess where we're going? Hallelujah it's open! 

Too many choices on an empty stomach - plus, they all sound great. Who needs wine tasting?

Cricket's sleepy eyes look like he's already had one too many. Norm and Pam's eyes will look that way in about 5 minutes. Pam gives Norm all of two minutes since he ordered a glass of their famed "Rasputin" brew coming in at 10% alcohol. 

Back in Mendocino, seems everyone walks out to the ocean bluff in front of the town to look back and take this shot - in this case taken with "pan the phone" feature to get everything in.

With the town at your back, you see a view that's just about perfect.

They are getting ready for the annual music festival on July 8 - 22.    While it sounds like fun, we like the peaceful vibe and easy parking that we enjoyed today. Actually, the juxtaposition of that white, massive free-form tent with those old Wild West style buildings looks like a scene out of one of those surealistic Fellini movies - say "Juliet of the Spirits". 

Love the art galleries and shops and flowers are in full bloom everywhere.

Norm is kicked back and enjoying the view while Pam continues to stroll through the shops. This was taken on the balcony of the Mendocino Hotel, which is the large yellow building seen in the photo of the town.

We like the "Welcome Sign"....  the snaily wormy thing holding it could be a prop from one of the "Alien" movies. Some welcome.

Woke up on Thursday to coastal fog that appears to be here for a lot longer than yesterday.  We love it.  We are staying in Hill House Inn above the town, on a rise. 

Here are some photos of The Hill House interior. The long running TV series "Murder She Wrote" took place in the mythical Maine town of Cabot Cove. In fact, Jessica Fletcher's (Angela Lansbury) Hill House of Cabot Cove home in the series was our selfsame Hill House of Mendocino. 

And here we thought Jessica was a true-blue Down Easter. That's Entertainment.

These are some of the historical buildings in town.

Norm is reading about the history of the hotel. The preceding photo of Angela is on the wall behind him as are photos of many other Hollywood luminaries who stayed here. In fact, our abode is called "The Ricardo Montalban Room" (just kidding).

Pam is pretending she's a movie star.
Ta-dahhhh!  To heck with Cabot Cove, this piece of vogueing is pure "Dynasty".

This is the upstairs dining room with a wonderful view.  Too bad it's being remodeled while we're here.
To compensate, guests here get 15% off breakfast at Hill House's sister establishment, The Mendocino  Hotel down the road.

We drove to Little River and found a wooden seat that was carved in 2002.  Give it another 20 years and it'll be sawdust.

This guy's arm trying to envelope  Norm is plain creepy. Plus, we never figured out where his other leg is. Is this some kind of Rohrscach test?  Usually it's Norm putting the arm on a famous person statue.

We then drove back to Mendocino to browse through more shops.

Our next stop was the Mendocino Art Gallery.  Pam talked with one of the managers who is also one of 3 jurors that decides on art items in the gallery.  She submitted 3 pieces originally intended for the Dolphin Gallery in Gualala. and will hear back tomorrow if they will go forward for display.  Fingers are crossed, since  Pam told Norm that this is her way to ensure she gets to come back to Mendocino more often.  So far, it's been working well with the Gualala connection. 😁

Funk City.

Interesting mosaics in the garden.

Lots of nice sculptures.

No one famous, but interesting.

Lots of pottery -
Salt and Pepper Fish Shakers...

Small doo-dad dishes

Really nice space - part modern - part Bohemian.

"Enhanced" photo applied with layers of archival dye onto aluminum. Other worldly, as is the price. 

End of day, sunset, as seen from the Hill House upper balcony.  We thought that this looks a lot like one of those old color-tinted B&W postcards. Thanks, Apple.

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