Thursday, January 30, 2014

Oahu - Thursday January 30

Oahu - Thursday - Jan 30

We went to bed last night ( or this morning ) about 1:30am and we heard a rooster outside crowing - he must be really off his game.

Woke up to partly cloudy skies - with lots of blue, no wind - looks like a perfect day.  We've got the windows all open and its so nice to hear the waves.

The weather turned "spectacular" today and we went for a swim....the water was really balmy and that's saying a lot from me. 

We took a drive to check out this local restaurant...

Then we saw an ad for this place next door to the Crouching Lion Restaurant and had to check it out....Fine Ass Brand Chocolate...yum!  They had such funny titles  - Flaky Balls (chocolate rolled in coconut), Salty balls (chocolate rolled in Sea Salt), Fuzzy Balls (chocolate rolled in powdered chocolate), and a few others.  We tasted a sample and couldn't resist.

We bought dinner (Norm with a Chinese combo plate and me with a Pizza Hut mini pizza) and brought it back to eat on our lanai to enjoy the view.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Oahu - Tues and Wed - Jan 28-29

Tuesday - Jan 28

Woke up this morning to gray skies but by 10:30 they had turned to blue and the ocean once again turquoise with white caps and beautiful.  

After breakfast, we decided to drive to see Doris Duke's Shangri-La.  On the way, we noticed a uke shop and turned around to take a closer look.  Turns out its closed...whaaaaa

However there was this statute next door - pretty interesting....think he needs a diet!

We continued on to the Makapuu Point - it was soooo windy.

Looking for the humpback whales that are supposed to hang out here:

There were two bus loads of japanese tourists overlooking the sight with us - when they left, we stopped to take one last photo of the Manana (rabbit) Island.

We saw quite a few truck vendors (including this one at our tourist stop) with ice cold coconuts.  In this wind, I wanted a hot chocolate.

They are serious about break-ins:

We continued on and found a Starbucks.  Next door was a surf/bathing suit store with this Eddie Aikau poster in the window.

I love this poster in the shop next door along with the oars on the wall:

We did make it to Doris Duke's house but the gate was closed.  We then remembered reading that they have 3 tours a day and they are booked up 1-2 weeks in advance.  We can't say much about what the estate looked like because of the gated drive but the area isn't much to speak of.  I'd never have thought there was a famous estate in that neighborhhood.  We're going to check into tickets to see her estate but at $25 better be something!

We were close by the Costco that we first went to on we went back for a few more supplies - a hot dog for lunch - and a pizza for dinner tonight.  I also bought a new swim suit - really cute and only $39 so I don't feel bad if the chlorine from the condo or cruise ship spas gives it a beating.  I've had a few recently that have turned almost invisible from the chlorine - pretty embarrasing.

We saw this storefront in the Costco parking lot so went to check it out.  We opened the door and the inside was empty.  Wierd - such a nice sign outside.

We got back to the condo and realized that our front right tire is low so we looked in the GPS and a Chevron station is close by.  Turns out that it isn't there anymore so we continued north and found another station.  I've seen this park in the past couple of days and had to stop today and take a photo of the sign.

THE HUKILAU SONG - written in 1948 by Jack Owens (had to include this in the blog):

Oh we're going, to the hukilau
Huki huki, huki huki, huki hukilau
Everybody loves the hukilau
Where the laulau is the kaukau at the hukilau
Oh we throw our nets out into the sea
And all the ama-ama come a-swimmin' to me
Oh we're going to the hukilau,
huki huki huki, hukilau

What a beautiful day for fishin',
The old Hawaiian way,
And the hukilau net we're swishin',
Down at old Laie bay.

Oh we're going, to the hukilau
Huki huki, huki huki, huki hukilau
Everybody loves the hukilau
Where the lovely hula hula maidens roll their eyes

We returned back to the condo and settled in for the night with margaritas, pizza and HGTV.

Driving through the traffic today in Honolulu is not for us...we're going to stay on the north shore tomorrow - hopefully we'll have good weather because we want to take a dip in the ocean.  We still have a lot of exploring to do on Oahu but I'd go back to Kauai in a heartbeat!

Wednesday - Jan 29

Woke up to an overcast day with intermittent showers.  Blue sky keeps trying to peek out but next thing we know, heavy showers start up again.

We took a walk on the beach and walked in the waves.  The water doesn't seem as cold as it looks.  We walked as far to the right as we could then headed back to the apartment when the rain started up again.  By the time we returned back, we were getting quit wet....Luckily its still fairly balmy out - low 70's.

Heading off to the right from our apartment building.

We can't tell if its droplets from the wind off the ocean or the rain has started again....turned out to be rain!

The sky looks more friendly as we walked back this direction  - but the rain followed us!

We sat on a bench under this tree thinking it would let us but it actually got worse so back we hurried...

Once back in the apartment, it was pouring outside so we decided to address our internet connectivity (or lack of it).  
Our internet connectivity kept dropping us off last night and today it couldn't find the network.  We notified Heidi, our landlord, who told us to call the carrier, Oceanic.  Norm unplugged the modem and wireless cable and in his ignorance to find a solution, he pressed the reset button on the wireless modem.  According to the Oceanic tecnician, that button has now reset the wireless modem back to its original setting and now requires no password - and we have 65mps.  We wondered why we were seeing the name of the wireless unit showing up as our option and now we know why.  No need to worry Heidi anymore - we have better reception now than we did before - ignorance is bliss. :)

As a treat for Norm, we went to Taco Bell a few miles up north then decided to look at the La'ie Temple (LDS).  It has such a long manicured drive up to the temple that it called out for a few photos.  We haven't bothered to look at the much-ballyooed temple in Folsom but decided that this one was worth a look.

Then we chose to take a look inside the Polynesian Cultural Center (next door).  After reading the tourist info, we found out that the LDS church built and runs this Center.  Quite an operation and money-maker!  We took some photos, went inside the shops - found a display of Kala ukuleles - aand hurried back to the car before our free 30 minute parking expired. (Another money-maker on the order of Cal Expo).  We agree with some of the Trip Advisor comments - it  was like Epcot but without the beer and wine.  The people working there reminded us of when we visited the Salt Lake City Temple (another tourist attraction).  They walked up to us, asked where we're from, asked Norm if he could read everything ok....Just gave us a wierd vibe like they are out of Stepford Village. 

We got back to the apartment, had a glass of wine and saluted those that escaped before us.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Oahu - Monday - Jan 27

Monday January 27 -

We woke up this morning to drizzly rain which continued on and off all day.  The skies are gray yet still T-shirt weather and we could see some (crazy) people in the ocean outside our lanai.  The mist over the mountains are really pretty.

We headed up toward the north again and stopped at a roadside attraction called The Kahuku Sugar Mill.  It closed down in 1971 and now is basically a tourist trap with a couple of shops, a coconut shimp restaurant and a gas station.  We took a few photos of the old machinery on display but didn't stay long.

Along the way, we stopped to watch the surfers at Sunset Beach along with hundreds more with cameras.  The Banzai Pipeline contest started yesterday and goes through Feb 7.  Norm bought a T-shirt that commemorates the event. We should be able to see quit a bit of the surfing while we're here.  Unfortunately, the surfers looked like little ants in the water because of our camera limitations.

We then headed further down the hiway and stopped at the next beach where they offer surfing, kayaking and Standup Paddling. I saw a few people out on the water but it was too rough for me as a beginner.

Next we stopped at a roadside stand selling all kinds of shells.  We bought this mobile for the backyard.

When we reached Waialua Sugar Mill, we stopped for photo ops and to check out the gift shop.  The Sugar Mill operated for almost 100 years closing down in 1996.  Today its the home of Dole Food's Waialua Estate Coffee and Chocolate Mill.  They had some nice Hawaiian CDs playing and the manager changed them out for us to hear different ones.  We ended up buying one called Island Style Ukulele with 14 different songs from different musicians.  Our rental car has a CD player but no jack for a memory stick which is what we usually use at home with all of our songs loaded on it.  We don't often get a good signal for the radio so we thought we'd buy a CD or two during the trip. 

We saw a hula girl with a uke and called out to us for a photo op:

This is the CD that we bought in the Sugar Mill store:

We're always on the lookout for a uke store or bead shop.  Today we found a uke shop in Haleiwa:

This is why we like CC&Rs...........and they actually had a sign stating "No Photos"...

On the way back, we entered Starbucks ito the GPS.  When we arrived, we were told that the oowners dropped the name and switched to The Coffee Bead and Tea Leaf.  It was a bit disappointing but I still ordered a hot chocolate - it tasted warm and good on such a cool damp day - not cold but not warm either.  When Norm got back to the apartment, he sent an email notice to Garmin to alert them of the change in ownership.

 I like this sign on their counter:

On the way home we passed about 5-6 windmlls.  I saw one of them moving mid-day but on the way back, none of them were working yet it was quite breezy ???

Back to home sweet apartment....thankfully we have a good connection to the internet - I watched 3 episodes of Downton Abbey on the IPAD (I've not watched any of this season so it was good to get caught up) and Norm watched sci fi movies on his Nook.  That, and a couple of margaritas (thanks to Costco) and the rest of our Subway sandwiches that we bought yesterday....we were good to go!