Sunday, January 26, 2014

Travel day to Oahu - Saturday Jan 25

Saturday 25 -
We hated to leave the Cliffs but we're on our way to Oahu.  We took a photo from the kitchen window before heading out the door.  The windows wrap around so offer really nice views plus the open windows offer breezes from every direction.

We stopped at Starbucks for one last "cold one".

I had to take a photo of this building at the end of the parking lot when we left Starbucks.  Someone did a nice job of taking a boring building and making it into a piece of art!

Then on to Lihui'i.  We dropped off the condo keys at the rental agency:

I found another bead shop so had to check it out.  Not a lot of inventory.  The sign on the door said it's for sale so I asked why.  I was told that the owner is also an attorney and owns quite a few pieces of property and made too much money last year and owed 55% in taxes.  The owner is selling this bead shop to show a loss on her taxes.  Probably too much info from the young sales clerk - Ha

Then on to the Harley dealer.  I love the hog peaking over the roof and the other one at the roadsside wearing a lei.  Good humor.  Norm bought a new T-shirt (I had to coax him into buying it because he just doesn't buy anything for himself!) Doesn't he look happy?

The entrance to the airport is really pretty:

We dropped off the rental car... we drove 438 miles and averaged 30.2 mpg.  The gas stations all had simillar pricing all over Kauai $4.40 - $4.42 gallon

Then we waited in line to check in at Island Air.  My ukulele never left my side:

Approaching Oahu:

We picked up our rental car and using our trusty GPS, we located the nearest Costco and Walmart.  Loaded up on groceries then headed up the freeway.  After being in laid-back Kauai, the traffic in Honolulu and dealing with the freeway....what a shock.  Weather is balmy and the GPS worked out great.

We made it to Heidi Hawaii's apartment #407 before dark - she owns 3 units in the 9 story highrise that is known as Pat's in Punalu'u on the northeast shore.

Furnished really cute - lots of island decor and mirrors that made it feel larger.  The over-all unit is the perfect size for us.  We settled in for the night and went to put a dish in the dishwasher and realized there isn't one.  The advertisement for the place stated it is a fully equipped kitchen with full-size appliances.  Once again, we assume that it must include a dishwasher .... so Norm has offered to wash dishes every night - what a deal!  Other than that, view is great, comfortable furnishings and ceiling fans in each room.  Plus the internet is strong and we have all the TV is good!

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