Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Traveling 3some - Day 27 - Nashville

November 2

Drove 49.1 miles today - 29.9mpg

After a tongue-tickling free buffet breakfast it was time to spend the day seeing Nashville. 

For the 1897 Tennessee Centennial Exposition the city of Nashville decided to represent it's reputation as the "Athens of the South" by constructing a full-scale replica of the Parthenon. Made of brick, wood lathe and plaster, it was meant to last 6 months - think Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. It was so popular that it was left standing, like the "Palace". But this building as it stands today is a nearly complete reconstruction of that landmark with permanent materials, over 11 years, from 1920 to 1931, to an exacting level of dimensional and historical accuracy.

The city decided to go several steps further than the original structure by creating a complete replica of the original Parthenon both inside and out, carefully researched, going so far as to purchase molds of original sculptural remains, such as of the Elgin Marbles in the British Museum. Considering that the Parthenon itself became wreckage in recent centuries, ably assisted in this when an Ottoman munitions dump blew up inside it in the 17th century, what the visitor to Athens sees today after 40 years and 90 million bucks of still incomplete restoration looks pretty sad. Granted, ancient ruins have their charm and sense of place, but what Nashville has produced is pretty impressive.

Under the building, where photos are not permitted and guards are eagle-eyed, are a gift shop, exhibits and a fine art museum containing the James M. Cowan Collection of American art.

A souvenir poster of Centennial Park.

You won't find this in the Athens of today - return to the Athens of Pericles. Walking into the first floor hall this knocks your socks off. Athena took seven years to build based upon research gathered from many sources. One difference is that the original was made from solid gold and ivory, which won't last long when a city is being sacked. 

Incredible detail. This the opposite of Epcot style Disney rubbish. 

Much explanatory information provided. Everything First Class.

How it's done.

The shield with the head of Medusa in the center. 

Detail of the decoration on the Statue's base.

Molds, or casts, of original sculpture from the Parthenon used as the basis of what produced for the reconstruction. Research and best judgement went into the final product. The Greeks may come to Nashville if they decide add something similar to the original since they don't have anything better to go by. 

Next we drove to the Grand Ole Opry.  Love this entrance with snow and snowflakes.  The weather is so nice that it's hard to believe that the holidays are here.

Anyone who knows Norm and Pam also knows that for us a day without Country Western Music is sadder than a day without sunshine. Here is their personal Holy Grail. A true cathedral to the finest of the fine arts. Best of all, a Big Business.

Go Minnie Pearl!

Go Hank Williams! Go Gene Autry! (?)

Give it up for Les Paul and Mary Ford!!   Norm showing he is "with it" when it comes to this CW stuff.

Not gaudy, not gauche, just good ole boy.

Pam's blowing kisses to Blake Shelton (no need to worry Norm - he's saving himself for Gwen Stefani)

This is it, the doors to Nirvana shown in one of those disorienting "pan" shots. Tickets ain't cheap.

The staff are decorating for the holidays today.  So many musical greats have walked through these doors.

Next we drove to The Broadway District with the historic bars and restaurants lining the street to have a quiet afternoon of tourist going on this vibrant part of the city. Did we say quiet?? Of all days, this was the day/evening of the 50th anniversary of the Country Music Awards to be held at the two blocks away At the Bridgestone Arena. Lots of excitement in the air with people getting ready for the award show.

Pam is in music heaven - said she may never come home. 🎢🎢🎢

This AT&T building, in the midst of the historic area,  looks like something out of Star Trek.

A side view of same - like a totally different building.

Last time we saw old signs like this we were in historic Fremont District in Las Vegas.

Nice clouds in the sky - we were told that they expect rain tomorrow - we'll be on the road by back to gawking at the array of boots!

Lower Broadway - where the city's music lovers, wannabe cowboys (and we saw a lot), tourists, and partners converge in a four-block area of glorious neon and on'-fashioned honky took.  Mucians play in all of the bars from 10am - 3am.

Not quite an old historic bar - but Buffett has the name. The bar was packed!

Savannah?  We thought we were in Nashville...

Wow - wonder who the cowboy is that fits this boot?

We walked to the waterfront.  This is what Old Sacramento could be.

Pam is cozying up to the musicians.

One of many, many wannabe bands hoping to be famous.

Of course, the Hard Rock fits right in here.

Acme radio is a self-funded, unfiltered lifestyle voice that reflects the real Music City.  Like the Acme Feed and Seed stage, it gives a platform to all genres of music and broadcasts them on the airwaves worldwide.

Lots of TGIFriday-type stuff inside the Acme.

Highway 65 - Pam was excited to see it after watching it portrayed on the Nashville TV show.  There REALLY is a Highway 65 recording studio.

The Walk of Fame near the Music Hall.  So many stars!

The people are lining up down the street to walk through the scanner before entering the CMA event.

The only tickets available are from scalpers on the hoo 😒 πŸ˜ͺ 😭

Lots of fancy dresses heading down the street - and lots of groupies.


Pretty colorful busses.

We decided to drown our sorrows in pizza and beer.

Lots of traffic heading in and out of the city.  The last game of the World Series is on tonight - quite a dilemma for those heading to the CMAs.  

Arrived back at the hotel at 6:15pm to watch the awards show.  Pam graciously turned the channel near the end so Norm got to start watching the 7th game of the World Series in the bottom of the 8th inning, just before Cleveland got three runs to tie the game. And then it went to extra innings. So happy for the Cubs big win!

Beautiful weather today - still 75 degrees.

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