Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Traveling 3some - Day 38 - Bakersfield to HOME

November 13 - Drove 283 miles today - 35.2mpg

TOTAL MILES:  11,081
STATES PASSED THROUGH: 28 other than California, plus Washington, D.C.  
CAPITOL BUILDINGS TOURED:  11, plus at least drove through most other capitals.

On the road at 9:30am after a relaxing breakfast of pancakes, eggs, cereal, bagels...the usual buffet - we'll miss this variety when we get home - Norm can start making his protein shakes again...yum. 

Cricket will most likely go through travel withdrawal when he gets home (or is that us?).  Next Sunday we'll have had Cricket for a year!  We saved him ...and he enriched our lives ten-fold.

We stopped at Santa Nella to change drivers and give Cricket a break.  We still see the smog in the air. 
Sacramento has arguably crystal pure air compared to the foul, odorous stew for over two hours after we left Bakersfield. With all of the signs in fields about "no water, no food" you realize that in the U.S. almost everyone is ticked off about something - lots of times multiple things.

Almost home.  We're tempted to keep going!  

YAY!! We're okay with home after all. But hey!, this looks a lot like one of those Roswell flying saucer thingies!

Now we're REALLY almost there!

I remember that house!

Arrived home at 2pm in a balmy 74 degrees. Now to unload one last time, toss some of it and then head to the car wash and Costco - the fridge is bare. And if you followed this blog occasionally, hope it provided a diversion. Our next trip is already being sketched out - until then.

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