Saturday, September 6, 2014

On to Fort Bragg - Sept 6

Left the hotel at 8:45am after a full breakfast of waffles, eggs, sausages, cereal, etc etc.  There is a high fog outside and cool - a real coastal weather day!  

Drove through Bandon and like this entrance to their old town:
More Art Deco style bridge columns:
Arrived in Gold Beach for gas:
34.7 mpg - 8.745 gal @ $3.999/gal.  We drove 305.8 miles since last fill up. We've traveled 2115 miles since leaving last Wed, 8/27.
Interesting cafe art:

We've seen these stores throughout our trip.  We've had quite a discussion about their name...

Liked these rocks.  As I was going to take the photo we had to come to ANOTHER stop for road work on a bridge.... 

Beautiful shoreline:

We saw a number of bicyclists on the road...brrrr...

Wow - ssccaarryy..........Jurassic Park! cute:

Found a Starbucks...even though it was inside a Fred Meyer's was STARBUCKS and the first of our day.  We took a sit-down break to catch up on emails.

I loved the flowers hanging on the light posts in town:

Saw this building with different sea creatures all over it - loved it...

Like the Museum Gift Shop:

Scary aquarium sign:

OOOHHH Mysterious......We didn't stop.

Loved the golden bears at the side of the bridge:

Look at the much of the day, we were the only ones on the road - and on a Saturday!

Looks can be deceiving. This almost dry river bed is the south fork of the Eel River, next to the town of Weott. Not much water now, but in 1955 torrential rains flooded it, cresting at 43 feet and covering Weott in 36' of water. It caught everyone totally by surprise because no one could imagine the river getting that high. But memories are short.  Another flood in 1964 crested even higher, at 46'. After that they moved Weott higher up the hill. Sounds sort of like that tsunami in Japan. Who could imagine?!

Not many old growth redwoods left - this grove contains a goodly number of them.

Tiny car, big trees. But the Fit's V-tech  motor has a big heart that  can really scream when down shifted and the revs build up. Passes other cars on uphills like it has a rocket tied to it.

Perfect setting for the ukulele: The Ukelele Mermaid of the Redwood Forest.

The visitor center:

This tree was well on the way to growing tall by  912 A.D. The metal tags are historical reference points,

Beautiful coastline:

I like the painting on these buildings in the towns we drove through:

Filled up with gas - 31.9 mpg - we drove 274.8 miles since last fill up - 9.145 gal @ $4.02/gal

Arrived at the Super 8 Hotel in Fort Bragg at 5:45pm.  Unloaded our bags and headed straight to North Coast Tap Room & Restaurant.  We had read in TripAdvisor that the beers were good but service poor.   There were a number of both good and bad reviews so we thought we'd try it - we really wanted to try their beer.  So....we each ordered a 20 ounce beer and ordered a smoked salmon pizza.  Yes, Pam was being daring!  Well....we watched everyone that came in after us receive their orders.  We ordered another beer and asked about our pizza. The waiter came back with two dinner rolls to help tide us over.  We then saw other new customers continue to receive their orders and were ready to cancel when the waiter came over with our pizza.  We told him that we were about to cancel then he offered to comp our beers....and gave us another glass.  At this point, we really needed food!  We started to eat the pizza and realized it wasn't the one that we ordered - not a speck of salmon! We called the waiter over and pointed out from the menu the one we probably received - ours didn't have onions and this one did - and this one didn't have any smoked salmon!!!!  So....he brought over a plate of smoked salmon, reduced our pizza price to the one that we actually received, AND brought us each a creme brulee dessert.  What more could we ask for!  We won't go back but it turned out well.  We're here for another night so we might have gone back if the service had been ok.  We guess Trip Advisor comments were correct.  The beer was good but we wouldn't recommend the pizza.  The one that we received didn't have ANY taste to it.  I love pizza and this was unusually bland.  The creme brulee was great though!  As we left, it didn't stop us from buying a T-shirt for Norm.  They had a good selection in his size and interesting logos.

Pam ordered this beer:
Norm ordered this one:
This is the beer selection:

Glad our hotel is close by...we'll pour ourselves into bed for the night!

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