Monday, October 24, 2016

The Traveling 3some - Day 18 - From Washington DC to Montpelier via Skyline Drive

October 24 - 196 miles - 38.7mpg

(We're on the back side of our Rediscover America road trip. With over 4,600 miles under our belts, since leaving California 18 days ago we've passed through 15 states, 12 state capitals and gotten back in touch with people and events that have deeper meaning on many levels than the day to day ephemera washing over us. With Washington, DC behind us we begin to slowly zig and zag our way back to the Golden State.)

The longest journey begins with a tank of gas and a map. Heading west from Washington for about an hour we arrive at historic Front Royal, the gateway to Shenandoah National Park and superscenic Skyline Drive heading south. 

The leaves are turning red and gold and it's nice to be out of the city again - it's very serene out in the Virginia countryside.

Skyline Drive is a 105-mile, two-lane road that runs the entire length of the Shenandoah National Park in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.  It has 75 overlooks providing views of the Shenandoah Valley to the west and the Piedmont to the east.  

A "Cricket break" at one of the umpteen overlooks.

We thought this tree looked really "artsy".

Yet another overlook - getting better at hiding the selfie stick.

Really nice exhibit on the history and development of the park/Skyline Drive. Virginian hill people who wouldn't sell their land had it taken by eminent domain. Those who still wouldn't sell were unceremoniously booted off. This was progress and a boon to tourism plus, this being the Depression, construction meant jobs, jobs, jobs. Remember that at the next news report that the Chinese government is booting peasants off their land for this or that project. 

Cricket is curious why this guy isn't wearing a shirt??? He is buff!

About 70 miles down Skyline Drive we headed east to visit the home of our 4th  president.  What Thomas Jefferson was to writing the Declaration of Independence, Madison was to creating the structure of government and its relation to the people as found in the Constitution. A high intellect.

A political opponent once said that he could have beaten James Madison but he couldn't beat him and Dolley.

Norm's cozying up to Jim and Dolley....always horning in. They're known to him as "Jim" and "Dollface". 

This is the museum for Dolley.  She was noted for her social graces, which boosted her husband’s popularity as President. In this way, she did much to define the role of the President’s spouse, known only much later by the title First Lady. She was so popular that her name was exploited and used on everything from cake mixes to ice cream - all kinds of frou-frou.

Nice digs in any era.

Four interior shots of the house.

The view from the front porch - "...and it's all MINE!"

Cabins for the household slaves. Field hands had lesser accommodations.

The stable.

But who will the ignorant govern?

Send the company that makes these things your own photo and they will make a bobble head of you - in any quantity you desire. Give to all your friends at Christmas, or Halloween.

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