Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Traveling 3some - Day 1 - From Home to Elko, Nevada

October 7 - 425 miles - 34.2 mpg

Who can say what drove us (pun intended) to head out for a 5 - 6 week road trip circuit of America. Could it be a delayed response to Dinah Shore's decades old bouncy summons to "See the U.S.A., in your Honda...."? Who knows? At any rate, this will be the trip of a lifetime, much better than those other trips of a lifetime we've already taken. Our main mission is to see Washington D.C. one last time in its pristine state before election Armageddon on November 8. Also, Norm lived there for three years a half century ago  - have there been any changes? Is Lyndon Johnson still the boss? Over five days we'll find out what gives. We also want to tour most of the very few Frank Lloyd Wright designed houses that are open to the public sprinkled here and there, most notably Falling Waters in Pennsylvania. We'll visit Norm's two sisters in Denver and Florida and drive over some of the most famous scenic routes in the country. We'll pause at several of the historic touchstones of the Civil War, including overnights at Gettysburg and Appomattox. Of course, in all of this we have followed the advice of several dear friends and not done any planning. This adventure will be strictly spontaneous, a Bohemian holiday that takes us, like the Happy Wanderer, wherever the urge of the moment suggests. If we just happen to find ourselves at anything resembling the locations we've just mentioned won't that be the biggest coincidence? That sort of life would suit our dog, Cricket,  just fine. In fact, since he's joined us on this journey, we'll simply let him point the way, one ruff for left, two ruffs for right and a long howl for "we're lost!".

As this is our first trip with Cricket, we have high hopes that he'll be on his best behavior.  Here he is sitting as co-co-pilot making sure Norm knows the way.

We left home at 9:30am, stopped at our Gold River Starbucks, then 127 miles later had lunch with Pam's Mom at Atlantis Casino in gorgeous downtown Reno, Nevada. Beautiful weather, light traffic for the most part, and "feelin' good".  We're off on an adventure.

295 miles and 4 hours later - arrived at our hotel in Elko, Nevada.

All went well for awhile. We were all three lounging around, catching up on the news when Cricket heard a noise next door.  POW! He shot off the bed like a cannon ball and barked his head off. Fortunately, there are other dogs at the hotel so we quickly opened our door and shouted "keep it down!", taking a clue from what someone does when they have an "accident" in a crowded elevator. Anyway, this was not a good start.  We put Cricket in his travel carrier (like a ventilated suitcase) and not a peep after that.  Of course, Pam took him out a bit later thinking he'll be on his best behavior and sure enough, the people came in next door and when their door closed, Cricket barked again.  What to do....What to do....and what was that we heard next door?  A bark?  This time Cricket looked at Pam, looked at the dog carrier, and quietly fell back to sleeping on his side - maybe this is a good sign...we'll let you know tomorrow.

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