Wednesday, October 28, 2015

2015 Southwest Trip - Final Day 24 - Heading Home

Finally, 24 days later, "The Circle" is joined. All those separate cities, sights, highways and byways - one "Circle" to bind them all. (Apologies to Tolkien)

We drove 210 miles today. We could have driven more, but that would have taken us to San Francisco

Total miles this trip:  5316.1. Average gas mileage at 39.1 does not reflect several times, on flat roads and distances of 200 miles or more, the Fit was averaging 43-45 mpg.  But there were many more 37-39 mpg legs to factor in. Guess that's why they call it an average.

Total National Parks and monuments visited: Lots and lots

Total of all cities, sights and whatnot seen: even more "lots" - would have to go into the blog to count them.

Biggest disappointment: The total collapse of the plastic place mat market, preventing our dinner guests from appreciatively viewing all of the swell places we have been when they lift up their dinner plates. We managed a measly 3 mats between all of the places we visited, one from Hoover Dam and two from Santa Fe - but one of those bought in Santa Fe was just a generic " New Mexico" mat. And we came ready to buy, with cash folding money on the barrelhead. As payback we didn't buy any Mary Jane in Colorado, crystals in Sedona, or color enhanced, reconstituted "turquoise" from the multitudes trying to push it on us everywhere in the Southwest.

Spent the night at June Lake.  We left at 9:30am in 50 degree weather, but it felt like 35 degrees. Clouds over the mountains and quite a bit of snow sticking to the peaks. Soon all the mountain passes will close for the winter. Sonora pass was already closed when we drove by the road up.

What's this wet stuff?  It didn't last long at all? The weather gods must have been pleased with the goat sacrifices we made to them periodically during the trip. 

We initially planned to turn left here to climb to Tioga pass and cut through Yosemite (see below).

Mono Lake. This photo does not do the strange rock forms jutting out of the water justice. A threatened lake thanks to overdraining for human use.

Driving north of June Lake along Hwy 395, on the eastern side of the Sierras. 

We decided to head home via Monitor and Luther passes rather than Yosemite - a scenic drive in itself. Construction delays at Groveland, on the west side of Yosemite, clinched the decision. 

Yet another stunning vista climbing toward Monitor Pass. Like an alien planet.

Someone had good aim when they plugged the cow sign.

Over the biggest hump, rain and snow free. Dry roads mean making good time particularly since the two lane road is nearly free of traffic going in our direction.

Just a marker, no one buried under it. Nothing to see here folks, just keep movin'.

Fall colors in the trees. We didn't expect to see it and, in fact, this patch of color was the exception. The vast majority of aspens having already gone bare.

Seems sometimes that any land without a structure on it is either one National Forest or another.

A couple of miles from Placerville and RAIN. But very local. Before we got home it was all blue skies and puffy, white clouds. 

The sun is breaking through

Home sweet home at 2:45pm. Many thanks to good neighbor Ron for his invaluable efforts in keeping the outside of the house and grounds in one piece while we were gone. But Norm really shouldn't have left that empty sardine tin in the kitchen wastebasket. Thank God for whole house fans.

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