Tuesday, October 13, 2015

2015 Southwest Trip - Day 9 - Denver to Taos, New Mexico

By popular request, to orient where we've been and where we are, Sacramento is at the leftmost end of the line drawn on the map, Taos is at the rightmost end of the line. Ultimately, after many more squiggles, the ends of the line will connect on October 28. Many miles yet to travel.

We delayed leaving Denver for Taos, NM - was to be an early start - because no Columbus haters are going to put one over on us. Onward once more to the capitol building. One more shot of the outside in case you forgot what it looked like between yesterday and today.

A secular chapel......

...complete with paintings of saints both dead and living. Some saints are better than others.

Sistine Chapel eat dust.

Pam makes friends so easily, even ones who aren't so colorful and dress funny. Photo taken in "Mr. Brown's Attic" history exhibit just below the rotunda observation deck.

The 90-step vertical slog from Mr. Brown's Attic up to the observation deck - can only get there as part of a tour - no cost. Fortunately we only had to wait 5 minutes. Our parking meter allowed a max of 60 minutes because of its choice location.

Marker pointing to Pike's Peak, far away at over 14,000 feet. Of course, we two standing on the Deck were already over a mile high. That's Denver for you. Visibility, unlike the preceding day, was not perfect. However, as Larry David would say, it was still "prrretty, prrretty good".

There we go again, sneaking into yet another scenic shot, this one with Congress Park in the background. For variety, Norm temporarily removed his sunglasses.

Way out in the countryside, taking the (longer) scenic route to Taos, we came to Silver Cliff, "a mining legend".

Rolling, gently winding roads for 102 miles unstead of a 52 mile section of freeway on I-25. 

Not much other traffic for the umpteenth time. Our delayed start because of touring the capitol saw us head out of Denver (after picking up a Starbucks for the road) at 12:30 p.m.  We drove up to the Sagebrush Inn in Taos at 7:50 p.m.  Hence, no photos of Taos yet.

Mileage for the day was 372 miles.

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