Thursday, October 15, 2015

2015 Southwest Trip - Day 11 - Santa Fe

The day began with taking care of some car business, namely an oil change at Santa Fe Honda. The car's maintenance minder was showing 5% of "life" left in the oil. Still lots of driving to go on this trip, so a half hour later everything was fresh and the Fit passed a routine status check with flying colors. Pam wants to run it thru a car wash to get rid of the millions of bugs baked into the front bumper, but at that rate we might as well wash it every day.

Then it was off to Santa Fe's central plaza and environs to soak up the ambience, plus touch base with the obligatory must-see sights. All of the following photos were taken within a few blocks of the historic plaza.

First stop after parking the car was visiting the visitor center, toward which Pam is making a bee-line.

The famous La Fonda Hotel, built in 1922 - but the location has held a hotel for several hundred years. It was the terminus of several trade routes including, of course, The Santa Fe trail.

So many many temptations. Norm is standing aside so the crush of other tourists doesn't overwhelm him.

Hurrrah - another Starbucks

Pam and a new friend. He thinks that he is her only friend, deluded fool.

One of many art pieces catching our eye. Looks like a fine death mask for a cow of royal blood.

The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi.

If we're going to take photos that look like postcards we might as well just buy them instead. Pam took this shot from the middle of the street and for her trouble got tooted by a car sneaking up behind her. 

Much to ponder, probably counting how many new buds she has just on that wall alone.

Very nice detailing for a cathedral located out in scrub land.

A superior and elegant baptismal font not far inside the cathedral entrance. That's raised brass decoration in the water, finely done.

Pam found a bead shop!

 Sculpture by Charles Rencountre at the entrance to the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts. 

Nice kitty

A place redolent with nostalgic history.

A lot of sidewalk vendors lining the path to the 17th century Palace of the Governors. Now we're starting to see some potential buyers - accent on "some".

Loretto Chapel - The only Gothic Revival style church west of the Mississippi, this chapel was constructed in 1853 for members of of the Sisters of Loretto, seven of whom were imported by the local Archbishop to educate girls. It was designed by a French architect.

This is the "miraculous stairway" referenced in the entrance sign above. It is made entirely of wood and rises through two full 360 degree turns with no visible means of support. An itinerant builder constructed it and then left town (which is what itinerant builders do), taking his secret of such perfect construction with him. It has been featured on an episode of "Unsolved Mysteries".

One of several tourist conveyances traveling through town. Her "Jawbone" Iphone-linked wrist bracelet step accumulator prevents Pam from enjoying such comfort, much to Norm's annoyance.

We visited the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum

No senior discount? Then why get old?

Having closely inspected suspiciously suggestive artwork throughout Europe, Norm is once again on high alert seen here zeroing in on Georgia O'Keefe's painting of a "flower".

Georgia O'Keeffe produced sculptures in addition to the paintings we usually associate with her.

Pam's signature shape found on an exhibit poster.

Worrell Gallery - we recognized the sculpures outside the gallery because our friends Leo & Suzie have bought some of his pieces.  He has so many beautiful sculpures in the gallery.

But these are BIG. This one will set you back $63,000. Still, does art really have a price?

It may look like an emaciated shaman with antlers, but it's not. It's something else.

Pam getting chummy with a rabbit??? This is getting to be a bit much. 

A Christmas store in October! If it looks like Christmas, smells like Christmas and costs like Christmas, then it must BE Christmas. Take that, COSTCO.

Pam smooching one of the horses. Is there getting to be a bit of a bestiality pattern here?

Now he's smiling!

Pam attempting to try on a headdress without getting caught.

A couple of beautiful sculptures for sale, if the headdress wasn't to your taste. 

This sculpture was made with thousands of beads. Something for everyone. Art is everywhere, filling every nook and cranny. 
Has she no shame - kissy kissy

Enjoying a beer on the top floor patio at La Fonda Hotel to celebrate our new status as honorary Santa Fe-ans.

Local Santa Fe Nut Brown Ale (for Norm) & Pale Ale (for Pam)

Mileage for the day was nominal. We cancelled our third night in Santa Fe in fear of being overwhelmed by the ambient ambience. We escape for less ambient Albuquerque tomorrow. Plus we get itchy really fast staying in one place too long when on a road trip. Always people to see, places to go and all that jazz.....

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