Wednesday, October 7, 2015

2015 Southwest Trip - Day 3 - Salt Lake City to Green River, WY

56 degrees. Our newly remodeled motel was great except for the so-called "continental breakfast", which was virtually nonexistent, consisting solely of disgusting looking mini-muffins. In desperation, had an egg Mcmuffin breafast at the McDonalds next door.  Hit the road at 9:35am on the way to Green River, Wyoming.

Mcmuffins for us, followed by Mc-unleaded fot the Honda Fit. Here's Norm, putting it in at the "Love" pump.

Great time of year to travel - still no traffic! Just one example of the stunning cloud formations that mass over mountain ridges.

I-80 speed limit is 75 mph in Nevada and 80 mph in Utah vs. 70 mph in California. In California big rigs have to go 10 mph slower, 60 mph. In Nevada and Utah big rigs and cars barrel along at the same speed. This "drowsy driver" sign in Utah is one of many along I-80 - here's  lookin' at you, rig drivers!

Not a desert cactus in the middle of nowhere, just more microwave stuff cleverly disguised.

Lots of salt flats, topped off by Bonneville Salt Flats just across the border in Utah.

The word "salt" is becoming tiresome.

Visible from I-80, Saltair lll was built in 1981 at the edge of Great Salt Lake as a resort pavillion, but was flooded shortly after it opened. After a subsequent spotty history, since 2005 a now dry building has seen regular concerts by hip-hop and rock groups. Kudos to shutterbug Pam for taking this photo on the fly through the driver side window at 75 mph without totally blocking Norm's view of the road ahead.

Entering Salt Lake City. The arch over the street is topped by a seagull, one of those famous for eating all those locusts. Not visible straight beyond is the Utah State Capitol. Yes, it being midday we too wondered where all of the people and cars were - on a retreat in the Wasatch Mountains?

In the visitor center parking lot before trekking off to tour the Capitol - not quite so far away as it seems in the photo. We have visited SLC twice before, but never this site.

In the refined museums of Europe the great paintings often show bare derrieres both female and male. Here in front of the visitor center we are reduced to posing with a buffaloe's butt. It's the only angle that also got the building. Pam placed her Iphone on her purse and set the timer to get this pic  - we need a selfie stick!

The second of two buffaloes in front of the visitor center. It is metal. Old iron butt.

Norm, the incredible shrinking man.

Naughty Pam, overly curious about the loin cloth.

Pam set the timer and ran!

Come again next year.

Entering the Capitol. This an impressive building, a real treat to walk through.

This is the refurbished House of Reps Chamber:

This is the newer Senate Chamber with all of the original roll top desks fully refinished

Seen from a balcony, The "miniature" people give an idea of the scale of the place.

Not really visible in the dome are painted clouds and a flock of seagulls.

There was a photo shoot of a bride(?) in her wedding dress going on while we were there. She, the photographer and the person holding a reflector were there all of the time we were walking around. They made not a sound. Hardly anyone else was around, the House and Senate not being in session. It all had a somewhat dream-like feel - the setting, the people - like a scene from "Last Year at Marienbad".

Clear skies - perfect day to visit:

Enough of SLC and obscure movie references. Wyoming here we come - damn the traffic, full speed ahead!

Are we lost?  Looks like the pyramids.

Entering Green River very late in the afternoon.

Oak Tree Inn - our motel for the night, behind retro Penny's Diner. The free breakfast offered by the motel is actually "off the menu" in the diner. The mini-muffins (and egg Mcmuffins) are long forgotten.

Total miles for the day, 352.

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