Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cruising - April 26-27

Day 8 – Sunday

We roused ourselves in time to enjoy breakfast in the Windjammer but we're so loopy from sleep deprivation that we instead went back to the stateroom for a nap.  We arrived back in the Promenade for a T-shirt sale at 3pm.  It was a madhouse when they took the ropes down and announced that the $10 sale had begun. Seems every day the people on this ship are becoming more like the cast of “Lord of the Flies”.  The $10 watch sale was horrible to witness – such savagery in search of a bargain, only exacerbated by an announcement “buy five, get one free!”  

The Internet has been down for most of the day and Pam talked with one of the officers who said he’ll credit us back for the 3 days that we’ve not been able to log in.

Day 9 – Monday
The Lotus Land lassitude continues - slept in again today. After talking with other passengers, everyone speaks of how much they’ve been sleeping in due to the daily time change. Probably doesn’t help that the average age of our fellow travelers is somewhere north of Hillary Clinton.  The ship had another clothing sale today and Pam bought a deep pink wind breaker for 50% off. 

We watched the flow riding surfers again today and played more mini-golf. Norm beat Pam by two points. Pam demands a rematch tomorrow, if we can find caddies to lug our putters around the nine hole course!



We’ve been losing an hour nearly every day as we sail closer and closer to Europe.  The Internet which was billed as “high speed” has been either off-line or weak for most of the time. We’ve been told that it will get better after 5pm today.  We’ve received a $45 credit, but want more! Free Johnny Rocket milkshakes daily for the rest of the cruise. And possibly free foot rubs in the Vitality Spa. We are waiting to hear.

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