Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday 2/18 and Wednesday 2/19 - Heading Home

Tuesday - February 18 - Our Last Day in Paradise

We slept wonderfully last night.  Linda left the air-conditioner on all night and it made a big difference.  As usual, we're starting our day off at McDonald's for breakfast. Linda met us after her chiropractor appointment.  It has been raining all morning.

We went back to the condo to pack, shower, and clean up a bit.  Linda suggested a lot of touristy things we could do but we're about touristed out and our minds are looking toward home now....We decided to head to Starbucks to kick back and read our IPADs.  Just a relaxing day.  The sun and blue sky has come out - weather is perfect!  What a nice ending to a perfect time.  Goodbye Wailea.......

We went to dinner at 5:45pm at Fabiani's in Kihei.  Too bad we missed happy hour 3-5pm.  Linda and Pam shared a Hawaiian pizza and salad and Norm had a calzone...and we all had a Peroni beer.  All really tasty!  

Norm and Pam had plenty of time allowed at the airport.  Norm's boarding ticket had the TSA pre check so he was able to breeze through the security line.  Pam, on the other hand, had to wait in the rather long line.  They say its random - we think its a plot to get everyone to buy the annual pre-check boarding fee.  Norm's boarding pass at SFO also has the pre-check.... and Pam's does not!  What the heck!  Pam is the one with the TSA background check.....Norm is stuck waiting for me.....

We sat in the Maui airport waiting to board - no wifi unless we wanted to pay 40cents per minute....Ha Ha Ha Ha NO!  So Pam got out her uke music and softly practiced.  When we boarded the plane, we were lucky to get a spot overhead for the luggage - a full flight.

An hour into the flight and all they've played on the TV screens has been the same United ad over and over.  People were warned that if they swiped their card to pay for a movie, that coverage will stop mid-flight (mid-ocean) then pick up again 100 miles before SFO.  What?  What about satellite coverage?  The woman next to me has a TV screen that won't turn off.  The flight attendant put one of the emergency evacuation cards on the screen to help cover the bright light.  We hope the maintenance of the plane is better than the entertainment equipment.

Update:  Turns out that there is NO TV to watch unless we've swiped our credit card.  Not even free TV programs like we've watched in the past.  So....if the TV screen is on, it constantly flashes ads - the same ads - and also asks us to swipe our credit card.  What a rip!  

To top it off....we had a flight attendant that read all of his lines from a card and kept stumbling..and had an accent so we really could not understand most of what he said.  Another flight attendant was walking by Norm after the last announcement and Norm told her that he couldn't understand the guy...he asked her what he had just said.  She said, "We're making our descent into San Francisco...We're going down".  I heard the last part and joked to Norm that she really shouldn't phrase it that way!

Wednesday - February 19:

We made good time and actually arrived at SFO 1/2 hour early.  We had to find gate 36A which required us to walk to gate 87 and line up to take a small elevator down to the outside and board a shuttle bus to take us to the United Express terminal.  We have free wifi, a deli next to us, and electrical outlets....we'll be ok with our long wait.  We don't board our flight to Sacramento until 8:40am.....We could almost have walked to Sacramento in this time.  Next thing we know, the flight has changed to a different gate so off we go.  We got settled in a new lounge area and awhile later we decided to check when we'll start to line up.... Then... There is another announcement to say our gate has changed back to our original gate....so back we go. Gotta love air travel.

We finally boarded a small Embraer 120 turbo prop plane for Sacramento ( Norm has been doing some research on the planes and this model was made in Brazil.)  We boarded it out on the runway (like in Honolulu) and up the stairs...I think its the smallest plane I've been on although Norm thinks the one in Honolulu was similar.  This one had one seat on the left side andd two seats on the right - we were in the exit row with lots of leg room.  The flight was so short though - no sooner were we up in the air that they were announcing the descent.  

This cartoon represents our airline flight with United today!!!!

Home sweet home.........Our neighbors, Bob & Linda, picked us up at the airport.  Our luggage made the earlier flight - glad we weren't charged extra for that.  When we asked to fly on the earlier flight, they would have charged us an extra $200 each for the change....these are the friendly skies of United!

We arrived home and everything looked good except for a leak under our master bath sink.  We don't know how long it has been going on and could have been worse.  Its time to call a plumber....bend over!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday - February 17

Monday - Feb 17:

Norm and I were awake most of the night - just couldn't get to sleep.  Then....the phone kept ringing downstairs about 6:15am...ring...ring...ring...Linda had the door closed to her bedroom so she didn't hear it.  It was so loud, I think the neighbors must have heard it ringing but she was sleeping soundly.  After about the 15th time, I went downstairs and woke her up to say that Robert was on the phone.  Poor guy....he's in Reno with a toothache and was at the dentist and needed to talk with her.  All we knew was it was 6:15am and we hadn't had more than a few minutes of sleep so I was not my jovial self.  

Norm and I headed out late morning for the Iao Park.  We stopped at the Korean Garden at the entrance to the Park.  There were quite a few people picnicing at the tables.   It's such a serene place.  However, someone was playing a loud Barry White song as we got there...and a Beyonce song as we left.  Kind of humorous....

We're assuming that people can reserve picnic areas (why else have them numbered?)

Next....continued to the Iao Needle:

Whew - made it to the top and back....

Then we drove to Paia - it reminds us of a Mill Valley town.  Lots of artsy shops and hippies....and lots of traffic.  We found a parking spot in a pay lot, then headed right for the Maui Crafts Guild.  So many talented people in the area....love the ukulele with the tiles.

Then we went inside Oceania Maui next door - and Norm bought me a sterling silver ring with a nautilus shell - so pretty and... its a NAUTILUS!!!!

So many fun shops to wander through:

There was a room in the back of the Turnbull Gallery with an ocean theme...

In front of the Turnbull Gallery is a large wooden giraffe...what a nice looking guy in the background!

We left Paia and headed to Taco Bell...on the way, we stopped at Mele Ukulele again and Pam bought a new tuner.

We went to Hilo Hatties on the way back to the condo to get our free shell necklaces.

We made it back to the condo close to 6pm and Linda had dinner ready for us - spagetti squash with meat sauce, asparagus, and fruit.  Yummy!    We then went to Kay's condo for wine and some nice appetizers - and she showed us her condo - same model as Linda & Robert's.  She has lots of beautiful artwork that she was anxious to show us.  We headed home about 9ish and watched more of the Olympics.  

It was a full day  - tomorrow is our last.  We don't have to be at the airport until about 8pm so we'll be able to take it easy...pack...and clean up so Linda's next guests (arriving on Wed) will have everything clean.  We've sure had a fun visit!

Sunday - February 16

Saturday - Feb 16

This morning Linda and Pam did some window shopping and visited the consignment store that is very popular.

We liked this mobile with sea glass hanging from the bark.

Linda put an ad on Craig's List a couple of weeks ago to sell the pool table that was in our bedroom and she sold it this morning.  The bedroom is quite roomy now with our two air beds.

This afternoon Linda and Pam visited Caroline & Rick's apartment - they have a 2 bedroom apartment.  They recently updated their kitchen and it's real nice.  

Caroline & Rick joined us at the clubhouse for swimming in the rain:

Then back to the condo for a BBQ - Kay joined us too. 

After dinner, Pam brought out some of her jewelry and Kay bought a necklace and pair of earrings.  Whoo Whoo!

More wine, margaritas, and ..... photo ops:

Kay offered to model her new necklace:

Rick was getting jiggy with Kay's hair:

It was a fun evening and we've really enjoyed getting to know Linda & Robert's friends.