Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday - February 17

Monday - Feb 17:

Norm and I were awake most of the night - just couldn't get to sleep.  Then....the phone kept ringing downstairs about 6:15am...ring...ring...ring...Linda had the door closed to her bedroom so she didn't hear it.  It was so loud, I think the neighbors must have heard it ringing but she was sleeping soundly.  After about the 15th time, I went downstairs and woke her up to say that Robert was on the phone.  Poor guy....he's in Reno with a toothache and was at the dentist and needed to talk with her.  All we knew was it was 6:15am and we hadn't had more than a few minutes of sleep so I was not my jovial self.  

Norm and I headed out late morning for the Iao Park.  We stopped at the Korean Garden at the entrance to the Park.  There were quite a few people picnicing at the tables.   It's such a serene place.  However, someone was playing a loud Barry White song as we got there...and a Beyonce song as we left.  Kind of humorous....

We're assuming that people can reserve picnic areas (why else have them numbered?)

Next....continued to the Iao Needle:

Whew - made it to the top and back....

Then we drove to Paia - it reminds us of a Mill Valley town.  Lots of artsy shops and hippies....and lots of traffic.  We found a parking spot in a pay lot, then headed right for the Maui Crafts Guild.  So many talented people in the the ukulele with the tiles.

Then we went inside Oceania Maui next door - and Norm bought me a sterling silver ring with a nautilus shell - so pretty and... its a NAUTILUS!!!!

So many fun shops to wander through:

There was a room in the back of the Turnbull Gallery with an ocean theme...

In front of the Turnbull Gallery is a large wooden giraffe...what a nice looking guy in the background!

We left Paia and headed to Taco Bell...on the way, we stopped at Mele Ukulele again and Pam bought a new tuner.

We went to Hilo Hatties on the way back to the condo to get our free shell necklaces.

We made it back to the condo close to 6pm and Linda had dinner ready for us - spagetti squash with meat sauce, asparagus, and fruit.  Yummy!    We then went to Kay's condo for wine and some nice appetizers - and she showed us her condo - same model as Linda & Robert's.  She has lots of beautiful artwork that she was anxious to show us.  We headed home about 9ish and watched more of the Olympics.  

It was a full day  - tomorrow is our last.  We don't have to be at the airport until about 8pm so we'll be able to take it easy...pack...and clean up so Linda's next guests (arriving on Wed) will have everything clean.  We've sure had a fun visit!

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