Sunday, February 2, 2014

Oahu - SuperBowl Sunday - Feb 2

SuperBowl Sun Feb 2 -

Woke up to watch the sunrise - here's a photo at 7:00am off the lanai:

Then took another about 11:00am - beautiful day ahead:

We headed out for a swim with our new boogie boards before the SuperBowl started:

Standing on the shore in front of our condo, looking for miles up and down the coastline, the waves break far from shore - perhaps as much as a mile out. Once we had on our new water shoes, we were able to venture out further than a few feet from the beach because we no longer had concern about cutting our feet on the coral, or lava, or whatever it is all over the bottom. So, boogie boards in hand we headed out toward the breaking waves in the distance. 

Over 1/4 mile out the breakers seemed not much closer and we were still able to stand, the water typically alternating a few inches up and down from mid-waist height. The boogie boards were useful for semi-floating, but walking, or crab walking, was the order of the day. Nice, warm water and a mild breeze under mostly sunny skies helped make it a fun time. We waved and spoke to kayakers who were passing us closer to shore than we were - sort of weird, kayakers humiliated by boogie boarders. Yay team! Anyway, we finally realized we might be a long time reaching the breakers, so we reluctantly turned our eyes shoreward and boogie-drifted homeward for a date with the SuperBowl.

What a blowout of a SuperBowl.  Seattle could do no wrong!  Pam watched the Kitten Bowl that cute.  It drove Norm crazy so he had to leave the room!

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